Daily Morning Prayer

Weekdays | 8:30 AM | Zoom

Join us at 8:30 AM, Monday through Friday, for our liturgy of Morning Prayer: a historic form rendered in contemporary language. We read scripture and recite psalms and prayers together for a nourishing start to the day.


You may join the Zoom meeting at: parkstreet.org/morningprayerlive
(or join meeting 196 551 386)

Alternately, join by phone: dial 1-646-558-8656 and when prompted enter the meeting ID:196 551 386

The leader will open the Zoom meeting around 8:25; we start at 8:30 and always conclude by 9AM.

The liturgy we use can be accessed at https://www.classic.dailyoffice2019.com/ (at different times of day, different prayer services will load). Optional: If you want to view the content on your own, use this link to sync your device to the settings we use.