Let’s see if we can help!

Live and on-demand streaming will work with any modern, up-to-date browser or with any recent iPhone or Android devices.

If you are using a browser, please make sure it is up-to-date and if it isn’t, please update.

You must have an internet connection that supports at least 80kbps sustained download for the lowest quality video. The YouTube feed will automatically adjust according to available download speed. If you find the video stutters or buffers, please click the gear icon on the lower right portion of the video, select quality, and chose a lower quality, 480p will be low enough for most slow connections to not stutter.

If your video is stuttering, please try lowering the quality of the video, if you are on mobile, please click the “Watch on Youtube” link on the bottom left of the video on the live page and open the video directly in the official YouTube app. If you are using a browser that doesn’t open that link in the YouTube app, open it manually and then search for “park street church live” and the first or second video will be our live stream.

If you are using iOS or Android, we recommend you using the YouTube app to directly watch our videos.

Nothing here helped? Email us at [email protected] or call 617-523-3383 and ask for the radio room. We hate when things aren’t working for you, so please do let us know!

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