Life of the Church
SUN, NOVEMBER 19, 2023
4 PM Service Audio/Video Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to help run audio, slides, and the livestream for the 4 PM service, starting with this coming Sunday. If you are interested please email [email protected].
Ongoing Pastoral Care
The ministers of the church have prayed over all the prayers submitted at our Special Night of Prayer on OCT 27. Thank you for sharing what is on your hearts. We are available for individual appointments for prayer, to listen, and to answer questions you may have. Please email [email protected] or reach out to a minister directly if you would like to schedule a time to meet.
During the night of prayer, we mentioned that we recognize that not everyone is in the same place. Some have been impacted by recent events more than others and everyone has been impacted differently. As a part of our ongoing pastoral care, we would like to invite you to the follow-up gatherings:
FRI, DEC 1 – All-Church Prayer (with dedicated prayer for the church); see announcement below
MON, DEC 4 – Blue Christmas; see announcement below
FRI, DEC 15 – A seminar walking through trial and grief with guest lecturer Dr. Karen Mason from Gordon Conwell (more information coming).
Churches Praying Together
SAT, NOV 18 | 5:00–7:00 PM | Lion of Judah
Join different churches around the city of Boston as we gather to pray together.
All-Church Prayer Schedule: December
FRI, DEC 1 | 7:00 PM | All-Church Prayer | Park Street Church
SAT, DEC 9 | 8:30-9:30 AM | All-Church Prayer | Virtual Only (via Zoom) – Missions Prayer
Blue Christmas
MON, DEC 4 | 7:00–8:00 PM | Sanctuary
A service that acknowledges suffering and offers hope.
We all want the holidays to be a happy, celebratory time. But we know that cannot always be the case. Come worship with us in a service that is far from gloomy. We will enjoy jazz music and sing together; we will hear the parable ragman instead of a sermon. We will also have a time of personal prayer if you desire it. It is a wonderful service to which you can invite seekers or non-seekers of all ages––they will be blessed! If you have any questions, please feel free to email Chris at [email protected].
A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
SUN, DEC 10 | 7:00 PM
Our traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols retells the story of humanity’s redemption in scripture and song, from the fall of man to the birth of the Messiah. Music is sung by the congregation along with the Sanctuary Choir and played by the Park Street Orchestra.
Childcare for children ages 0-4 years will be available (register for childcare HERE by DEC 9). Seating for this service will be limited to sanctuary capacity. We suggest arriving early to ensure finding a seat. The booklet will be available a week in advance, at We look forward to worshiping with you!
Christmas Eve Services
SUN, DEC 24 | 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00 PM
Candlelight services: 3:00 PM (a simple service with hymns and organ), 5:00 & 7:00 PM (music led by choir, brass and organ, also livestreamed: Please note: no nursery or children’s church.
Morning Worship on Dec 24
SUN, DEC 24 | 11:00 AM only
Join us for our fourth Sunday of Advent service. Please note, there will be no 8:30 AM service. Nursery and children’s church will be available.
Family Ministry Programs Schedule
SUN, NOV 26 | Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Sunday school or choir. Children’s church and nursery will still be available.
SUN, DEC 24 | 11:00 AM | Children’s Church and Nursery will be available There will not be other Family Ministry programming.
SUN, DEC 24 | 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00 PM | No Family Ministry programming.
SUN, DEC 31 | No Family Ministry programming.
Advent Around the World: Christian Formation Series
DEC, 3, 10 & 17 | 9:45 AM & 5:30 PM | Park Street Church
How does the global Church celebrate Advent? Join us for an Advent journey to Central Asia (SUN, DEC 3), East Asia (SUN, DEC 10) and the Middle East (SUN, DEC 17) to learn how Christians live out their faith in very different situations and how they engage with Advent. We will read Scripture together, hear from guest speakers and have opportunity for questions and interaction. Registration encouraged but not required.
Questions? Contact [email protected]. Register HERE.
Friendsgiving for College Students
SUN, NOV 19 | 7:00–9:00 PM | Wilson House
Are you a college student? Join us for Friendsgiving at the Wilson House, the (Park Street Church college ministry house) located at 1626 Mass Ave Cambridge, MA. We hope to see you there!
Wondering where your gifts to Missions go?
When you give to Park Street Missions, you are touching lives here in Boston and around the globe. Click here to read about the ministries your gifts support as well as detailed instructions on how to give.
Boston Healthcare Fellowship Event
FRI, NOV 17 | 6:30–8:30 PM | BU Medical Campus
The Boston Healthcare Fellowship is hosting an event: “Self-Forgiveness in the Context of Medical Errors.” The evening will feature Dr. Susan Hata, a primary care physician in internal medicine and pediatrics at MGH. Dinner will be provided. Location: Hiebert Lounge at BU Medical Campus: 72 E. Concord St, Floor 14, Boston, MA 02118.
Mission Conference 2023 Survey & Next Steps
Thank you for participating in this year’s mission conference, “On(e) Mission Together.” We hope that you were encouraged by the stories you heard; that you feel more informed about Park Street’s missions ministries; and that you are ready to take your next steps in living on mission in your city and around the world. We would greatly appreciate your feedback about the conference so that we can make next year’s conference even more meaningful. Survey responses will be received through SUN, DEC 10.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Mission Conference 2023 Next Steps
Perspectives Course
JAN 29–MAY 13 | Mondays, 6:00 – 9:00 PM | Park Street Church
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is an awe-inspiring comprehensive study course that is rooted in the Scriptures which has profoundly impacted hundreds of thousands of believers over the last 50 years. It is a 15-week course designed to help all believers discover how their unique gifts and talents fit into God’s work to draw all peoples to himself. Have you ever wondered if you were created for more? Then this class is for you. Scholarships are available, and the first class is free! Contact [email protected] to learn more.
November Budget Update
As you know, PSC operates with two budgets. Ministry & Operations (or M&O), and Missions.
For 2023 year-to-date, giving for the M&O Budget is 1% ahead of the same date last year. This year-to-date result gives us encouragement for year end on December 31st as M&O giving was budgeted to increase a modest 4.6% this year.
For 2023 year-to-date, giving for the Missions Budget is 11% ahead of the same date last year. This year-to-date result also gives us encouragement for year end on December 31st as Missions giving was budgeted to increase 15.9% this year.
I can also report that expenses for each budget are under control. As I stated, let us hope for success in meeting our budget goals. One important fact to remember, or to learn if you are new to PSC, is that while expenses are fairly level from month to month through the year, more than 25% of annual giving is typically received in the month of December alone. Or in other words, giving in December is typically four times the amount in the average prior month of the year. As in past years, ending the year without any deficit will mean we all contributed generously what we are able to as November and December pass. The most important thing to remember is that God loves a cheerful giver. May each of us give as we are led.
Please also remember that gifts intended for Missions must be designated or identified as such – so when you give to Missions whether electronically, or through a check in an envelope, please make sure to note that in the memo line whether online or on the check.
Mike Ahearn, Church Administrator
Join Park Street on our Church Center App
Learn about events, connect with groups, view the church directory, find ways to serve, give online and check in your kids using the new Church Center app! Click the button below to download the app.
If you need assistance, email us at: [email protected].
Park Street App Tip of the Week
- Under “Find a Group, you will see all open groups. You can submit a request to join any open group.
- If you would like to have your group added to the list, send a message to [email protected]
- If you are part of an elected or appointed group, or a confidential group and have not yet joined the group, you may not see your group listed. To join one of these, you should contact the group leader who will send you an invitation. After you join, the “closed” group will appear in your list of groups.
Each week you can find a new tip in the eNews and the app. A big thanks to Judi Manola for writing these!
Prayer Requests
Collective Prayers
“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart.”
Psalm 107:13-14
Let us pray together…
- That we would hear the Lord’s continuous call to return to him to be healed and to be sent out with his mercy for those around us.
- For the 2023 Mission Conference: that we would see clearly the mission of God and hear his call for how we can participate in his plan for the redemption of creation and the reconciliation of all things to himself.
- That God would make Park Street Church a place full of people known for our love for one another, and that we would know what that looks like in this particular time.
- For children around the world who are suffering from violence, abuse, and poverty: that God would have mercy on them and would provide them with caring parents.
Submit prayer requests to: (or call 617-523-3383).