Young Adults (Café)
A Christ-centered community for people in their 20s and 30s, dedicated to growing and encouraging one another in the pursuit of strengthening a personal relationship with Jesus.
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Sign up for one or both of the weekly Café e-newsletters, so you can stay informed about schedules, links, and important details.
Tuesday Café on Facebook
Wednesday Café on Facebook
The heart of Café are the people who meet weekly in small groups with a desire to grow as disciples of Jesus. We thrive on fellowship and having fun. Beyond worship and Bible study, we organize an abundance of opportunities, such as social events and special programs. Whatever your religious background or current stage in the journey of faith, we welcome you to join us as we each seek to live lives ‘worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God’ (Colossians 1:10).
Our young adults ministry is divided into two separate affinity groups:
Café 20s & 30s (Tuesday Cafe):
Tuesday Cafe is a gathering of young adults in their 20s and 30s. While we are primarily comprised of those in their later 20s and 30s, all are welcome to visit to see if this is the right community for you. At 7pm every Tuesday, we get together for a large group time of worship and fellowship, and then at 7:30pm we break up into small groups. As a newcomer, you would probably first join what’s called a Connecting Group, although you can also join any small groups that are open. If you’re interested in checking this out, there is no need for you to sign up anywhere; all you have to do is show up and enter Park Street Church on Tuesday at 7pm (through the side entrance, the glass doors), and the welcome table will get to know you and brief you on where to go!
Café Early 20s (Wednesday Cafe):
Wednesday Cafe is a gathering of young adults in their early 20s. At 7pm every Wednesday, we begin with fellowship over food; then around 7:25 we enter a time of large group worship, and finally around 7:45 we break up into small groups. There are different kinds of small groups: women’s, men’s, and co-ed. If you’re interested in checking this out, there is no need for you to sign up anywhere; all you have to do is show up and enter Park Street Church on Wednesday at 7pm (through the side entrance, the glass doors), and the welcome table will get to know you and help you get oriented!
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