
“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”

PSALM 40:3

For corporate worship, we model our approach to music on our understanding of biblical norms and on the wisdom of the Church over 2,000 years. Music made by God’s people has always been chiefly performed in response to who God is and what he has done. Read More

Musical Ensembles

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir at Park Street Church lifts its voice in praise of God every Sunday during the 11:00 service. The choir sings chiefly for the glory of God, and so that worshipers will experience the love, power, and beauty of God through music. Choirs have been leaders in corporate worship since the days of King David, and the Church has a rich choral tradition; we seek to uphold this inheritance through our repertoire and through a commitment to excellence. We focus on the work of offering music as a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, but we are also a community that delights in fellowship. The choir is always looking for new singers. Contact us for more information.

Rehearsals are held on scheduled Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM and at other scheduled times, SEP to MAY.

The Sunday Night Band

The Sunday Night Band leads musical worship during the 4 PM service. The band members are both professionals and skilled amateurs, and they all share a desire for excellence in worship, and an eagerness to serve and enable the song of the congregation. The ultimate end of the band is not to be heard, but to inspire singing in the pews.

Instrumental Music

Park Street Orchestra and Park Street Brass heighten the worship of the morning services through their skillful playing, especially on holy days in the church calendar. Smaller instrumental ensembles and soloists perform offertories, preludes, and postludes (defaulting to the sacred repertoire but also using fitting classical selections, as appropriate). Our musicians are both active professionals and skilled amateurs. Contact Nathan Skinner.

Children's Choirs

Joining the children’s choir at Park Street Church is a rewarding way for your child to learn how to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Under the direction of caring and skilled directors, children learn new songs and the classic hymns of the faith, enjoy fellowship with other children, and build the musical skills essential to following God’s musical commands.

  • AM Children’s Choir is for 1st to 6th grade.

Nathan Skinner

Director of Music
EMAIL | EXT. 238

Dan Schmunk

Director of Choral Music

Jennifer Schmunk

Assistant to the Director of Music